Greta News

On Friday my dear Greta showed signs of pain. Oh how I wish that my dogs could tell me what ails them! Alas, that is not the case. All I knew was that she seemed to be somewhat lame. My heart sank as images of a spinal problem danced before my eyes!

Sept 30 011

I picked her up carefully, and without even calling my Veterinarian, I drove straight to their office. They know me well enough to know that I want the best care for my dackels and that I know my dogs very well.

They took her off and did a full exam, and then we sat and talked about what the doctor found.

A soft muscle pull! Oh my heart felt such relief I cannot begin to tell you. He prescribed some Rimadyl for her and told me to let them know if she didn’t respond int he next 24 hours.

I am happy to report that Greta was back to her normal self on Saturday, although I will keep her quiet and on her medication for a few days.

I am so relieved and I know I will sleep better tonight than I did last night. This morning I got a phone call from the Vet to check on my Greta. He wanted to be sure that she was feeling better.

I thought that was so nice. It makes me happy that my dogs are cared for by such nice people.

13 thoughts on “Greta News”

  1. Hehe, from now on whenever I hear the name “Greta”, I’ll think that you’re writing about my new niece 😉

    So glad that Greta is ok and only had a soft muscle pull. I can imagine how relieved you felt!!!

  2. Can your vet prescribe ME some Rimadyl too? I bet that’s what I need! 🙂 I’m glad Greta got taken care of more quickly than I take care of myself!

  3. Poor thing ! fortunately the vet found immediately what was wrong ! My old Lisa is a little stiff, but she doesn’t seem to suffer at all, it’s probably due to her 17 years !

  4. Glad she is feeling better so quickly! Wonderful!She is such a sweetie! Now to get her in good shape for another try at making whoopie! Love YOU, Mel

  5. Phew. That’s great news. Oh, I LOVE when the vets are as wonderful as that! I’ve hade a couple of vets being like that and it’s heavenly. To feel the TRUST that they care and doing whatever they can and not just shaking it off – like some I’ve been to.

  6. How a muscle pull equates to a tug on heartstrings!! Yes, we are softies for the canine members of our families and want the best care for them, also. Sounds as if your vet is very caring and very good at his job. Give her a hug for me.

  7. Phew….Maxi’s soreness has all but disappeared since we no longer have steps. Its such a relief. I know how you feel.

  8. Not sure if you have them in your neck of the woods, but here, we have a little insect called a “Tic”. They are a paralysis little sucker, and can actually kill! First sigs are lameness and panting…

    I am glad that she only had a muscle pull though…

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