Okay, I’m Getting Old!

I was all upset today because I couldn’t find the owner’s manual for the super cool camera that I own. I mean, this baby can take fabulous pictures in all sorts of settings, and here I was, without the manual!

I searched high, I searched low. I found the manuals for all my other cameras past and present, but not for the super cool one we bought last year for our trip through the Panama Canal.

Now my knee has been bothering me a lot. It’s swollen and sore and every time I have to bend it, I want to scream a little. It’s an old skiing injury that reminds me that I am not Jean Claude Killy or Pica Boo Street!

Anyway, I was looking around wondering what I could do when I went to the Olympus website and found that I could download the owner’s manual there.

Wonderful! Except that it is 100 pages long!

So back I went to searching this darn house. It had to be here. I went to a closet where I actually found the box the camera came in and found 2 owner’s manuals in there! Unfortunately I do not speak or read French or Spanish.


I did not give up. Sure this soon to be, muddled 50 year old brain could figure it out. I sat down with Greta. I asked her what I could have done with the book? She stared at me as if she were saying, “come on, you dummy, think!”

It was then I had an idea. I went into my bedroom and found the box with all my brochures and memorabilia from my Panama Canal trip. Slowly I opened the box and there it was lying right on top!

Okay I now feel like I am getting old. I mean, how many people place their camera’s owner’s manual in a memorabilia box?

It’s a good thing that Hubby loves me!

15 thoughts on “Okay, I’m Getting Old!”

  1. I could give you a good example for that:
    We have a blanked which is actually two who are connected with little white buttons. Look here to make it clear how that works:
    The blankets have holes and you can insert the button and tuck them together so if you separate them you have two summer blankets and if you connect them again you have a thick winter blanked. Very nice!

    BUT: I can’t find this stupid, f***ing buttons!!!! I searched EVERYWERE! I have no idea where I have them. But it’s COLD over here and I need to find them.

  2. Hi Mom,

    Hope you enjoy the day today! It is certainly getting chilly out! M and I looked at places mostly in Belmont last night. Saw some nice stuff, but nothing that made us want to sign right up. We have appts tonight and tomorrow, and if I see good stuff on Craigslist, will continue to make appts for Fri-Sat-Sun….

    I can’t wait to turn back the clocks. Getting up and leaving the house every day in the pitch dark is NOT so fun!

    Have a great day and love you lots,


    PS: We went out to the Cheesecake factory for dinner last night. I ordered a chicken dish, and when it came out, there were 3 separate chicken breast! Literally 3 meals worth of food on 1 plate! It was great, and I had plenty of leftovers to bring home with me, but wow, I just thought that was a little much!!

  3. WOW! You asked Greta… I always ask God! Greta’s a SMART one! You know… at 49 and 11 months the brain cells just lose a little elasticity or something. It’s not that they can’t be used… you just gotta STRETCH ’em a little more often! πŸ˜‰

  4. I am so good at knowing just where everything is, but not so much anymore. I have to search for stuff more and more now. Drives me crazy. Love YOU, Mel

  5. That’s nothing ! I put my slippers in the fridge when I was in my 30 ! that’s why, when I lost my camera, Mr. Gattino also looked in our Deepfreeze !

  6. Welcome to the club! Ha ha ha, that is hubby and mine every day πŸ™‚

    We do such things all the time, one could think that we’d learn, but no. Our brains are left somewhere….. *giggles*

  7. HUH!!! That is so funny as I did almost the same with the USB lead. Could not find it so went and got a new one for $15. Got home and guess what, went to put it away after uploading the photos off the camera to the pc, and there was the one that came with the camera!

    So now, we have one here in the loungeroom for the laptop, the original one upstairs for the desktop pc, and if all else fails, one in my camera bag that I got last year… You can NEVER have enough of these you know!

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