The Backpack Incident!

I recently purchased a new backpack for myself. Hubby’s been using my old one when he goes off to work in the parks here in town, and since I use mine to carry my computer and camera gear, I want a nice clean pack.

So LL Bean was having a big sale on their super padded back pack and I ordered myself a new one complete with my initials.



I was showing it to Hubby and told him it was official, he could now keep my old backpack, and he said it was very nice, but the old one also had my initials on it.


I thought for a bit and then it hit me Hubby’s first name begins with J and since we have the same last name all I really had to do was remove the M and it would be completely personalized for him.


I was so excited about this and told him my plan. He liked the idea and immediately went outside and got the backpack from the Jeep. I got out my stitch ripper and began removing the offending M while I watched the TV.

I was going along pretty well and then I started to feel cold. At first I thought perhaps it was a metal tool that was just cold from being outside in the Jeep. Then I started to feet WET! I felt down and it was wet!

I opened the backpack and there was a can of coke that had obviously frozen, exploded and was now leaking all over me!

I took everything out of the pack and tried just wiping it up, but that was not going to work as it was very sticky! So, I finished removing the M and then washed the pack in the washer using the gentle cycle.

Good as new, clean as a whistle and with Hubby’s two initials J*.


Am I a great wife or what?

10 thoughts on “The Backpack Incident!”

  1. Too hot or cold-either extreme will do in a can of Coke. Sorry about the mess. We are beginning to warm up-should be a perfect Florida Halloween-about 65 this PM – great for the kids. Carol

  2. Creative solution!

    Just submitted the application for M & I. Hopefully will hear back early today. Fingers crossed!


    Mandy xo

  3. You, my dear a are a genius! Sorry about the coke thing though, no good deed goes unpunished, as the saying goes. Love YOU, Mel

  4. You ARE great… I would have just ordered him his own! With two J’s! LOL! Which would not have been nearly as good … because there is a LOT to be said for frugality. Just ask MY hubby! BUT… it would have meant that the coke mess stayed in HIS car … not MY lap! LOL! We will now call you SAINT Maribeth!

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