Dashing Through The Snow!

I was up early this morning as Wednesday is Weight Watcher Day. I looked outside and I could see the snow falling thickly to the ground.

I took the dogs to the door and one by one pushed them out the door and into snow, which was deep enough so that it reached their bellies! They quickly did their business and then ran back in, shaking off the cold wet snow!

I called the Weight Watchers 800 number to check and see if my meeting was canceled and it was not. Rats! This meant that I had to drive 10 miles down hill to the next town to the meeting.

I made my breakfast sandwich to take a long, grabbed some coffee and off I went.

Oh, it was so pretty! The trees were covered in lacy, wispy, white snow. Unfortunately, so were the roads!


I took the Jeep, and put it in 4-wheel drive and off I went. The roads were tricky. I drove by a car that had slid off the road, I watched people sliding around. I felt happy that I had my Jeep and the 4-wheel drive!

I did well at Weight Watchers, in fact I lost another pound. I need 6 weeks at goal and then I will go onto Lifetime.

After class I drove back home and felt relieved to get here. Another storm is predicted for Friday. A big one! Oh yes, I think winter has finally arrived in the mountains!

8 thoughts on “Dashing Through The Snow!”

  1. Ah, that looks so nice. I would LOVE to have that much snow over here.

    It started snowing again yesterday evening and it is now a tiny little bit white outside, but not too much. I hope we will get some more.
    It’s so nice to walk the dogs in the snow or go for a nice long outride. I want to have a REAL winter this year!!! Could you please send some of the snow over?

    Great news about the WW meeting!!!

  2. It looks so beautiful! We still have grass, but I hear we are getting snow Friday and Monday. It may be a white Christmas. Yippy! Love YOU, Mel

  3. How much are you all supposed to get on Friday (and then Sunday too)? I know that Friday here in MA we are supposed to get 9-14 inches! I’m actually a bit excited for it–in that whole white winter kind of way! 🙂

    I can’t believe Christmas is a week from today!

    Love you lots, and excited to see you for the holiday!


  4. I only want to live up there for TWO WEEKS in the winter. I’ll have two weeks of cold and snow — and then I’ll be done and happy to come back to warmer temps and rain. Your world DOES look beautiful though — and feels SO much more like Christmas. I don’t know why though… Christ was born in a desert… there was NO snow… I keep telling my Florida friends that I don’t understand how they keep their Christmas spirit – but really WARM should BE the goal! LOL! HOW did we come to associate SNOW with Christmas??? It’s all SANTA’s fault! Living at the North Pole and all….

    CONGRATS on that extra pound! Now stop! You look GREAT!

  5. What a cold and snowy weather you have ! I saw a little on TV ! I haven’t seen any snow yet this year, because when it snowed once I was in Egypt.
    BTW I put 13 funny gift ideas on my blog today and there is one for you a Dog poop calender, (hahaha) I wonder who invents such a stuff !

  6. That looks FANTASTIC!!!! We don’t get snow here, it is a 5-6 hour drive to the snow fields… And I use to love skiing, which I have not done since my back injury!

    But, we are enjoying sun, sand and surf (not to mention HEAT!)!!! 🙂

  7. Now I really envy you! As you remember, I reported about snow some weeks ago, but now its wiped out by rain 🙁 Still hoping for a white xmas though 🙂

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