The Day After

I woke this morning with that groggy, achy, “been up too late the night before”, feeling. I tried pulling the covers over my head in the hopes that the dogs and Hubby would ignore me and let me sleep, but between Hubby preparing to go skiing, and the dogs jumping up and down on the bed, I finally gave up and got up.

It was cold this morning and I quickly put my big, fluffy bathrobe on and my warm slippers. I staggered to the kitchen in search of coffee, and after pouring it in the cup and adding some splenda and cream (fat free of course!), I sat down in the family room feeling ready to go back to sleep.

Hubby was rushing about, acting 20 years my junior, rather than 20 years my senior, as he gathered all the things he needed for skiing. With a kiss and a wave he was off, and I sat here looking at 4 forlorn faces (the pups) and decided that we needed something energetic to bring us all around.

I put on my Christmas present copy of “Mama Mia”, and though I didn’t really watch the entire thing (I actually started moving, doing some cleaning), I listened to it and sang to it.

I stopped working in the late morning, long enough to go and get the mail and pay our taxes (Merry Christmas, ho ho ho!!!), before returning and finishing up.

Hubby was home shortly after noon and we had the leftover appetizers for our lunch.

The day was rather anticlimactical after all the preparation for the “big” day. Still it was a nice day as I looked back at a wonderful Christmas day with Hubby, Mandy and M.

6 thoughts on “The Day After”

  1. I was feeling much the same way, but I took a walk, our streets are clear and then went to see a Nativity Display at a local museum. It fed my soul and I came away feeling much better. Had dinner at Friendly’s with my son and two grandsons since his wife is off seeing her brothers new twins. Love YOU, Mel

  2. LOL! M needs to get a name! In MY head he is Matt! He looks like a Matt… he’s probably a Mike or a Mark … but I think he’s a Matt! (maybe cuz I have a Matt!) Of course he could be Martin, or Melvin, or Maxwell….

    Don’t you hate it when the hubby acts 20 years younger? When mine does that, I smack him with a sock and tell him to STOP that! LOL! I’m feeling 20 years older today… after a week with this cold and not “doing” anything, my body is really stiffening up! UGH!

  3. The music from “Mamma MIA” is definitely perfect for doing housework. Who can NOT move when those songs are blaring!!

    linda in DE

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