Life Goes On

We had about 5 inches of snow here between Wednesday and Thursday. I’d called and arranged to have the driveway plowed and the driver arrived here at 6:30 this morning to clear us out. I heard him and popped up to check out what he was up to. Not one dog (or husband) moved!

An hour or so later I got up and after turning on the coffee, I stepped outside with the dogs and pushed a few paths of snow from the doorway. There I was in my pajamas, robe, coat, hat and gloves, pushing snow around. I’m sure it was quite a sight!

The plowman called just after we had our breakfast and needed us to move one of the cars so he has a place to put snow after the next storm. So I went out to move the car we actually don’t drive in the winter, and as I opened the door to turn it on, snow blew in! I dusted off the seat so I didn’t get my pants wet, then got in and moved that car into the garage to thaw out.

I managed a quick hair trim with my stylist, Margarita before she leaves on vacation, and a run to the Post Office for more mail of no value. Lucky for us that we have such great neighbors because one looked in on Hubby while I was gone.

Hubby is doing somewhat better, but our new motto is “Slow & Steady Wins The Race”.

Hubby was good and took things extremely easy all day. I am really pleased about that. It will take time, trial and error with medications until we get him back to normal. That’s okay, I know he will get there.

It’s the power of prayer and positive thinking!

9 thoughts on “Life Goes On”

  1. Positive thinking is the best !! If you both can do that the battle his half won !
    I wished I could have seen you in fact there were only curlers missing on your head !

  2. Well… you know men… if he’s behaving he’s not better YET! I’m praying he’ll be misbehaving soon! ๐Ÿ™‚ I wish I’d been there with my camera when you were shufflin’ snow around!

  3. Not one dog (or husband) moved!
    Oh come on, hubby is recovering (thankfully) and as if the puppies are going to get cold and wet paws!!!

    Glad to hear that hubby is on the mend, all beit slow, but that might just be the best way!!

    Get some rest yourself too…

  4. The power of prayer and positive thinking can do wonders….but following doctors orders helps too! I think you are dealing with things brilliantly, very wise to get the help you need to clear the driveway and take care of business. Good girl!

  5. My dear sweet friend! You have been through the wringer the last few days..I just wanted to tell you I am praying, oh so hard, for hubby’s quick recovery…and my thoughts and prayers are with YOU! Just remember, to B-R-E-A-T-H-E!!! and a little chocolate wont hurt either!! Sending you my love dear friend…

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