
Okay, it’s cold.

Friday morning 7 AM temperature, -18 degrees (F) !!!!

This is the part of the winter that I just don’t like. The frozen part. We’re having temperatures well before zero (F) and everything has that dry, crunchy feeling that comes with these temperatures.

Of course it’s great for the lakes. It means that our annual Ice Fishing Derby in February will probably go off without a hitch because the ice will surely be thick enough.

It also means that the dogs, even Fritz run in and out to do their business. No one is out for too long. Me either. I’ve had to go out for the mail and a doctor’s appointment, and trust me when I say that I was well gloved, coated and hatted, and went from house to post office to car as quickly as I could!

Tonight my hands feel cold even though I’m sitting here in my skiing, super warm, long johns and a fleece robe, two pairs of socks and have a blanket over my knees!

It’s not that the house is all that cold, it isn’t really, but my body seems to react to the cold in strange ways even if I am sitting in a warm place!

They are predicting this cold for the next few days. I guess that means I will be going out for short intervals and dressing for it.

Sheesh! Here I work at losing all this weight and in order to dress warmly enough now, I have to put on so many layers that it makes me look like I did a year ago!

Come on Springtime!!!

9 thoughts on “Fffffreeezing!”

  1. It’s freezing here too. It’s crazy that it can be THAT cold! I’m cold in my place too and it’s not that it’s even cold in here. It’s just the thought of how cold it is outside!

  2. I’ll see your sub zero (f), and raise you 42c with bushfires and wind! We were sweltering for 3 days this week, today was a cool 32 and will be that way over the weekend, but from Monday thru Thursday, will see a return to low 40’s!!

    Hope your all well, stay warm!

  3. Temperatures are strange if in summer you have 20°C you wear a T-shirt. If in winter your heating shows 20°, then you dress like an Eskimo. I can’t explain that ..

  4. Yes, it surely is freezing! My hands still haven’t warmed up from the short ride into the office!

    Dainya is coming to visit tonight, and my ring is either being delivered on Saturday or on Monday! I’m so excited to see it in person! 🙂

    Have a great day, and stay warm!


    Love you,


    PS: Please pass along my best to hubby as well!

  5. I know just how you feel! I’m sitting at my laptop shivering! It’s crazy! It is 16 degrees outside and feels like 1. The heat runs non-stop but will NOT put the house above 65 degrees without the help of the fireplace … and who wants to keep running out to bring in more wood? LOL! C’mon SPRING!!!

  6. Yeah I heard you folks were really getting it. I talked to my Dad in upstate NY yesterday and he told us the whole northeast is frozen over!! Keep warm, snuggle with the pups!

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