Dogs, Snow & A Movie!

It was one of those fun days. Okay, maybe not totally fun, I mean I did things like dust (achoo!), and laundry and straighten the house, but I also had the pleasure of watching Juno again on the movie channel, and also going outside and taking pictures of the four dogs while they played in the snow with Hubby.

Oh my goodness, Greta barked like she was viciously attacking an intruder, while Fritz, Arnie and Anneliese barked happily around her.

Jan 22 012

Jan 22 013

Hubby tossed the toy for the dogs and they ran and dug it out the toy and then brought it back so he could toss it again.

Jan 22 010

Jan 22 008

They dug and played and ran and tunneled and I watched and laughed at their silliness.

Jan 22 011

Eventually Anneliese got cold and wanted to go in.

Jan 22 017

And Arnie too, who proved once again that he is the boy with the snowballs! Poor Arnie! I brought him in and after taking this embarrassing picture of him I put him in the sink and sprayed him off with warm water and wrapped him in a nice towel.

Later in the day we went to see the movie “Gran Torino” and it was terrific! This may well be one of Clint Eastwood’s best movies. He is really a Hollywood Gem.

9 thoughts on “Dogs, Snow & A Movie!”

  1. When I was a teenager we had a miniatire poodle named Trinket. (He looked like the one on the Milk Bone Biscuit box-color and all.) Trinket liked to play in the snow also and one time I actually had to carry him back into the house-he looked like Arnie only worse-was unable to walk because of snow adherence. So-these boys need to be as smart as girls and get the snow off!!!

  2. Love the snow dog pictures! I have the computer till Monday, It’s not great, but I can do a few things on it.
    Ron is home sick with a cold. I hope he’s better by Sunday and that no one else gets it. Love YOU, Mel

  3. Hi Mom,

    Such cute pictures! So you liked Gran Turino? M and I both liked it a lot too. I was sobbing at the end…. I hate how movies make you cry at the end, and then you have to walk out of the theatre all teary-eyed!

    We also saw Defiance, which I thought was good, but not nearly as moving as Gran Turino….

    Have a great day and see you on Sunday.



  4. Arnie looks soo cute ! that picture is priceless ! what a lot of snow you have that’s terrible ! I remember last year it was the same. It’s funny how the dackels sink into the snow !

  5. Looks like they had a lot of fun. I bet Arnie wanted to run back out and do it all over again the minute you had defrosted him!

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