This & That

I went skiing today. Yes, skiing. Not only did I go skiing, but I actually skied on the black diamond trails. This means I had to work at getting down the slopes without killing myself. It was fun, however, and I felt good and tired after my runs on the mountain.

We’re starting looking for new furniture for our family room. Both Hubby and I need new chairs. His must be king size, as he is very tall, and mine must have room for three dachshunds and myself. So far, we have not found the perfect chairs, but the hunt goes on.

Hubby and I went out for some Chinese food at lunch. It was a different restaurant, actually owned by a lovely Vietnamese family, and the food is good. I ate only half of my lunch and brought the other half home for Hubby to have for lunch tomorrow.

Sunday is my much loved Uncle’s Memorial Service. I will be speaking at it, sharing my loving memories of a man who made such a difference in my life. My cousin Janet is feeling pretty blue about this, as she has been really close to her Dad. We will get through it, as we all come together to say farewell to this wonderful man.

It’s cold and due to get colder by Sunday. Brrrrr!

6 thoughts on “This & That”

  1. If I wanted to go skiing, I would have to take a plane and find a place with snow, lol ! I see Hubby is feeling better ! Mine feels good after his surgery he is still in hospital. How he exactly feels you can read today on my blog !

  2. Glad you got skiing again. I would never go on a Black Diamond. I am not that good a skier. I stay on the beginner trails and just go nice and slow.
    See you tomorrow. Love YOU, Mel

  3. I’ve been reading you every day, checking on Hubby. I’m so glad he’s doing well. Thanks for the birthday wishes…and give Hubby a hug for me..oh yeah, the doggies too!!!

  4. COOL! youre so lucky you can go skiing! I’ve never been! I’m jealous! I’m really happy to read that your hubby went skiing after his stroke too! Come take a peek at my Photo Hunt for this week…maybe I should get some skis for my photo! Have a great weekend sweetie!

  5. I am glad you are getting out, that you are skiing and that your husband is well. My thoughts will be with you at the memorial service though. Those are tough but important for the healing process.

  6. Maribeth, you’ll do great speaking for your uncle, you have so much love for your family, we can feel it here.
    One of my cousins and her husband have the cutest recliners, they are attached and they can either sit together at the same level or adjust their sides. They love them, their kids (all in their 30’s at least) think they are dorks. I think it’s cute!

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