Lot’s of Work & Happy Valentines Day!

February 13, 2009

  1. ScorpioScorpio (10/23-11/21)

    If you’re looking for an easy way to get through a busy day, spend part of your morning getting the rest of the day organized. You might not be a morning person, but once you start seeing how things fall into place, your energy level will go through the roof. Nothing is as exciting as new possibilities for you right now, and there will be many in your day. Things are going to get done, deadlines will be met, and your schedule is going to have a lot more room — for a lot more fun.


This was my horoscope for Friday. It was amazing because this is exactly how my day went. I was up early (5:30 AM!) I was able to get everything done, all deadlines were met, and since Hubby helped me out, it made the day go so much better.

He drove me to Worcester, Massachusetts to see the Federal Veterinarian. He signed my documents and now Anneliese is ready to go. Once again Anneliese was a perfect little traveler, and we actually made the trip in good time.

We took the back roads home. These were roads that Hubby and I had once driven frequently. It was as if we were in a time warp. Nothing had changed!

We were back in time for lunch and then my real work began. There was vacuuming, dusting, bed making and laundry to do, plus I repacked my suitcase in a vain attempt to make my clothes smaller or the suitcase bigger. In the end I took out an extra pair of jeans and those will be left behind.

IΒ  paid bills, ran to the Post Office, picked up the dry cleaning, and went to the bank. Upon my return I started dinner and finally sat down to rest! Once I finish up with the dinner dishes I plan to get into my pajamas and do nothing!

So now here we are, Valentines Day and I am going to post this little video to my dear family and friends. I love you all and wish you a very Happy Valentines Day!

13 thoughts on “Lot’s of Work & Happy Valentines Day!”

  1. Beautiful! I hope you’re on your way and getting a rest on the plane. You, Anneliese, and Uschi will have a fantastic time. It makes me anticipate my next summer trip to Prague and my friend Alena even more:)

  2. Sounds effective. I wish my days could be like that…

    Wonderful Valentine video with your loved ones.

    I’ve to enjoy a sunset with my love for Valentine – and a bottle of Champagne – of course! *giggles*

    Happy Valentine and Happy Travel πŸ™‚

  3. So wait a minute… you were supposed to be leaving on FRIDAY! You had to POSTPONE your trip to get 3 vets to sign off on her??? That’s NUTS! I sure HOPE she gets pregnant!!!

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