Weight Watchers In Germany

As you all know, I have been following the Weight Watcher Plan for over a year. I have lost 54 pounds, and became a Lifetime Member in early January! Part of the benefits of this is that I can go to a meeting free of charge anywhere in the world. Last night I decided to take advantage of this and go to a meeting here in Berlin.

As I have mentioned before, Germany has many more Weight Watcher products in the stores. Every time we have grocery shopped I look to see what items they have. I wish we had the number of soup mixes, fresh meals and deli cold cuts that are available here.

Okay, back to my story about last night. We drove a short distance to a local community center where the meeting was being held. Uschi served as my translator because my German is very poor, and I have found that many people under the age of, say 35 do not speak English too well. I think also, people who do not use their English here forget it or perhaps lose their confidence. In any case, my Uschi was there and translated it all for me.

We walked in and the leader greeted us and it turned out that she and Uschi are well acquainted! Uschi explained that I was a Life Member and that I wanted to come and share a meeting with them. I was warmly greeted and I went through their products (available only at meetings) and bought a few things, including a cook book with many German recipes and their point values.

ww book

Then women began filing in and all were seated as the meeting began. Our leader was a kind and gracious woman. She smiled a lot and she answered the questions that the women had. She introduced me as a Life Member from the “Fatherland of Weight Watchers, America”!

ww leader and me

I smiled and told them I had lost 54 pounds, and then I passed around my before and after picture, which I had brought with me from home. The meeting lasted for 45 minutes and at the end I asked if it was okay to take a few pictures of their set-up.

ww poster 4

WW product table

I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to go to this meeting and to share the struggle of weight loss with women from another country. You see, it doesn’t matter where you are from in this big world of ours, most women want to be fit and trim and to feel good about themselves.

Today I will be packing up and getting ready to fly home first thing tomorrow. I cannot believe how the time has flown by. It seems as though I have just gotten here. I am also sad because I do not know when I will be back to see Uschi and her family or when she will be able to come to me.

I think I will not wear too much make-up tomorrow, for I know that the tears will fall when we hug for the last time and say good-bye.

11 thoughts on “Weight Watchers In Germany”

  1. Sounds like you had a fabulous time, Anneliese too. Some friends are more family than “real” family and no matter what, will always be there. For every sad and tearful goodbye, there will be a happy greeting. And with our wonderful world of communication, staying in touch is easier and easier. Have a safe flight; I bet Hubby will be waiting and happy to have you home. Not to mention the rest of your 4 footed family members! Love, Michele

  2. Sound like fun to visit WW in another country. It will be sad to leave, but good to get home too. Love YOU, Mel

  3. Interesting to see what they got at their meeting. You’ve done something to be very proud of, so naturally it feels good sharing it and maybe encouraging others to achieve the same 🙂

    Sounds like you had a great stay there, all things seem to have to come to an end… That’s the downside of traveling, when you don’t wanna leave!

    BTW, You’re tagged in a photo meme in this post of mine:
    Manzanilla rounds bounds.

  4. Sorry that the trip felt so short, but so nice that you got to go and have this time. And also **hopefully** so nice that you got to bring Anneliese to have some time with her “husband” 🙂

    Will look forward to catching up!

    Love you lots,


  5. It seems you lost a couple of pounds in Germany too!! from the pic showing your new cookbook.
    Enjoy your last day with Uschi. Don’t be sad about leaving, think of all the wonderful memories of this trip!
    Have a safe trip going back home.

  6. That must have been a wonderful experience to attend a Weight Watchers meeting in Germany. My Mom successfully lost weight with WW as well!!

    BTW, didn’t you mean people OVER the age of 35 don’t speak Englisch too well?! 😉

    I can’t believe it’s almost time for you to go home again. Time really flew by and I can only imagine how hard it must be to say goodbye to Uschi, especially if you don’t know when you’ll be able to visit each other again.

    I’ll be thinking about you for sure. I know exactly what that feels like.

  7. Ohhhh it will be sad! But you have had SUCH a great time and have such wonderful memories to bring home with you! And you MAY (hopefully) have little PUPS soon too! I’m so excited to find out if Anneliese is pregnant!

  8. Tears… ON NO!!!!

    Just looking at the before and after photo is as amazing now as it was back when you posted those… You have done SO well, and deserve every bit of that ‘Life Time Member’ status…

    Have a safe flight…

  9. That’s so nice that you got to attend a meeting there. Bravo again to you for those 54 pounds gone. You sure look great!
    I’m behind catching up here, but you’re now home and I’m sure quite jet lagged, so rest up.

  10. Hi
    Congratulations on losing so many pounds – YAHOO!!

    I live in Kleinmachnow and looking for a WW meeting close by – can you please suggest any for me? Thank you!

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