Three Pounds Bundles Of Activity!

Tuesday found me dealing with four puppies trying to breakout of their swimming pool whelping box, and succeeding! What to do, what to do, what to do!

After pausing long enough to place the delinquent puppies back in their box I hit upon a great idea. I called our local furniture store and asked if they had a reclining chair card board box. They did! I quickly drove down, picked up the box and brought it home. Hubby helped me and we cut the box to the correct height to keep in our little monsters!

May 26 002

They love it, although Anneliese is still getting used to jumping in and out. Of course going in she does have the steps, but coming out, she is on her own.

I checked to see how the babies looked in the box. You know, did they look cute? Comfortable? Happy? Here is what I found.

May 26 036

Beautiful sleeping babies.

They are all growing, getting stronger and having more fun and awake time.

May 26 0baron


May 26 006


May 26 birgit

May 26 Baerbel
And the puppy in the middle of this pig-pile is Baerbel!

I’ll try to get some good face shots of the puppies in the next few days. I did get this one of Bogie that just came out so well. Isn’t he adorable?

May 26Bogie027

Well, I think the move into the new box is a good thing and I’m hoping to get them outside later this week when it’s just a little warmer. They would really enjoy it!

12 thoughts on “Three Pounds Bundles Of Activity!”

  1. I hope that you had a “House Warming Party”!!

    Now, Bogie was Bernie, right? Well then of COURSE he is the cutest little thing… Mind you, that shot of Baron is adorable as well! He looks like Arnie!!!

  2. Love the Bogie face shot, he’s not sleeping for once! We’re thinking of a visit next week, how deos that sound?

  3. They are looking more and more like their Mum each day. First you were happy they were moving around, and now your surprised they’re escaping hehehe. They grow fast don’t they!!

  4. They are so cute! All are adorable and will be so happy to get outside. Can you imagine how amazed they will be to get outside! πŸ™‚

  5. Oh I LOVE your puppy photos, they are truly just soooooo adorable!!! Can’t wait to hear about their first adventures outside!

  6. FINALLY I have you blog back on my blog reader! I am not sure who I am more in love with Bogie or Belle. How many are adopted already?

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