Oh Dopey Me!

I got up today with the best of intentions as today was Weight Watchers day. I dressed, made Hubby breakfast, made a thermos of coffee for me, packed a yogurt and banana and set off.

I got down to the Cadillac,


and tossed my pocketbook, and tote into the car and I noticed how hard it was raining. So I thought I would get the newspaper in for Hubby before it got soaking wet.
So, I picked up the paper and when I came back into the garage I closed the door to the car and walked past it to the stairs where I tossed the paper up to Hubby. I turned and walked back to the car and……….it had locked all the doors, with all of the keys inside!
So we called our auto club and they sent out a nice man who came and with a little tool was able to unlock the door. Of course then the car alarm went off and I slid into the car and shut it off.
By then it was 10 o’clock and too late for me to go to Weight Watchers, so I stayed home and just felt dumb! How stupid!

Please tell me I am not alone in doing this!

13 thoughts on “Oh Dopey Me!”

  1. I was sitting in my car in front of a restaurant, with the motor running, waiting for my friend. She arrived, we went inside and had lunch. After lunch I couldn’t find my car keys. They were in the car and the car was still running! Fortunately I had another set of keys in my purse. See, you’re not alone.

  2. Never did that yet, but I have locked myself out of the house a few times and it was snowing and I had slippers on my feet, no jacket. I had to make my way next door and call my husband for help to get in. Love YOU, Mel

  3. It’s been awhile since I did that–like since the time you could stick a coat hanger down the window to manually pull open the locks. My car also won’t allow you to lock it if the keys are in the ignition and it’s in park…. Smart car has saved me!

    Leave for France on Sunday, and have been working like a crazy person to get ready for the trip!




  4. I have NOT done this in a verrrry long time… *knock wood*… and I do not WANT to do it ever again! But the last time it did happen, I was rescued entirely by God! It was a miracle. I blogged it! Lazy Daisy and I were heading to Savannah and I had stopped for gas. I got out but left the keys in the ignition, pumped the gas and then went in to use the RR, when I came out, Daisy had left the car and all the doors were locked. We both checked them all. They were ALL locked. We spent time trying to locate a locksmith in this itty bitty nowhere town we were in and then some guy in the gas station took pity and offered to “try” to break into our car. Well he tried – but these new-fangled vehicles are REALLY SAFE from burglers – unless they break a window. I really didn’t want to take that route. All of a sudden Daisy looked at the rear passenger door and said that lock looked higher up. She walked over and it opened. We had BOTH tried that door before! The guy had worked on my front driver side door. You tell me… a miracle??? We gave praise!!!

  5. I can’t remember locking myself out of the car in the past 20 or 30 years, but I sure would like a Cadillac. I’ve told my husband and am just waiting for it to appear. 😉

  6. I’ve done it once…when I moved to Somerville and not only locked the car keys in the car, but the house keys as well. Had to knock on a neighbor’s door to use their phone to call AAA.
    Done it at the house, too. Had to get a ladder out of the barn and climb up to the second floor and crawl in through the window. THAT was fun…NOT!

  7. Locked my condo with the keys for the condo and the keys to the car inside…was on my way to work. The condo office, which had a spare key didn’t open for an hour. Thank goodness it was not too cold yet.

    Called my Dad and asked him to drive my spare keys over (about a 30 minute drive) and then called my boss and had to explain why I would be late for work that day. Talk about feeling like a moron! “Boss, I’m on one side of a locked door and my keys for the house and the car are on the other side. I’ll be there as soon as I can get in.” Duh!!

  8. Ouch. How annoyed I would be at myself! And trust me, I would do this constantly if I had a driving license which I don’t… Luckily? *giggles*

  9. Oh I know that well unfortunately! Seriously in a week span I locked myself out of the house, locked my self out of my car and I lost my bankcard!!! I vowed after that, that I was never going to go anywhere when I had a head cold again. Just that solution is not reality since life with little ones and a teenager just does not stop when you are not well!! 🙂

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