
I was up bright and early to go and have my blood drawn at the hospital. I will be so happy when I am stabilized on this new medication and only have to have this done every six months! Right now I have to go every 10 days, and I am starting to feel like the victim in a Vampire movie!
I was, in fact, up so early that I did not need my sunglasses, but did need several cups of coffee. No one was out on the roads, except the farmers and a few confused chickens.
I signed into the hospital lab area and sat down to wait. Waiting here can mean anything from a half an hour to a two hour wait. I usually bring a book, but today I just didn’t care and brought nothing but the coffee. Before sitting down, I did mention that this was a 12 hour timed test and that I needed it done by 8 o’clock at the latest. After that, I have to forget it and do it all again the next day. Not something I relish.
So there I sat, dozing, with the coffee firmly gripped in my hand, when the Vampire woman came out and said my name! I was the first patient of the day! I almost fell out of my seat!
She was nervous. A new woman. I met her last time as she was training. I told her not to worry, I am a good stick!
Guess what? I wasn’t. Poor thing. I had to talk her through it. Imagine that.
“OK, Dracula, it’s like this, you just bend me back, and breathe heavily on my neck a few times licking the spot you want and then with a quick crunch, bite”
She got the blood and taped me up and off I went. I hope the little Vampire’s day gets better.

3 thoughts on “Vampire’s”

  1. mmmmm, vampires! I was watching a bit of HP POA last night, and when Snape was protecting Harry, Ron & Hermione from Lupin as a werewolf, he looked a bit batlike 😉

  2. I am a good stick too and I also don’t seem to feel much pain either, but don’t tell Jan cause she’ll bug me to get a tattoo and I just don’t think I really want one. LOL
    Hope the meds are okay. How is little Greta doing? Love Ya!

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