AM’s New Home

I haven’t written much about my daughter, AM. Mostly because I want to respect her privacy. I’m weird and strange and choose to write each day in my blog about everything from my dogs to my air conditioners, but I feel that her life is her own.
However, today I am throwing that rule to the wind as I am so excited, happy and proud of her. AM is buying her first home!
It’s a great condo in a small town in New Hampshire where we raised her and her sister when they were little girls. I love that town, and sometimes think that when I am an old lady I will move back there and buy my own little place.
Anyway, AM is buying a 2 bedroom condo, with an attached garage, a cute patio area and a separate laundry room. The kitchen has a ton of cabinets, and it seems very bright and airy.
I think the thing I am most proud of, is that she has done all the hard work herself. She has saved the money, worked hard at her job and made a good life for herself.
Her life has not been the easiest, but she has not let that stop her. She threw the negativity out the window, and has become one of the most positive people I know.
(Brag, brag, brag!!!!)
So my hat is off to my daughter today! Here’s to you, Sweetie!!!

7 thoughts on “AM’s New Home”

  1. Yes, this is wonderful news for AM! She has worked hard and we are so happy for her! Three cheers for AM!

  2. Congrats to AM! You both must be so proud! I remember when I bought my condo on my own and what a fabulous feeling it was. Go AM!

  3. YEAH and congrats to her. And to you too for raising a great gal. Coming from someone who is tryign like hell to get things in shape to buy a home in the next 2-3 years I respect her immensely because it is not an easy thing to do…now onto the fun part…decorating!

  4. Wow, what an accomplishment! I was 39 when I bought my first place…a new double wide home in a park, and paid it off at 55 years old. I’m still there, but it is MINE!! Good for her!

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