Friday Thoughts and Ramblings

News From The UK
Our younger daughter, JC, and her Hubby will be moving from the UK to California. He has a new position out there developing computer gaming programs! I am so pleased. It’s much easier to get flights to LA then to the UK and if I can get her on the Verizon Nationwide Plan then we can talk on our cell phones anytime for free. How good is that? She’s been in the UK for several years and I really have missed her.

So good news from both of our daughters in one week! Yea! I love it when that happens!!

Peached Out
I think we are peached out. We made another batch yesterday of Heavenly Jam. We now have 58 jars of Jam, two large jars of canned peaches and 4 smaller ones. And 6 jars of Brandied Peaches. We have brought peaches to the Vet, and spread them around the neighborhood. Yes, our little corner of the world is a “peachy” place to live right now!
Hubby finished picking all the peaches off the tree and then cut off the branch that broke. Didn’t that just look funny? What we have now, he explained is an open center tree. Oh good I couldn’t see that! Now he is shaping it with ropes. Trying to get the branches to tighten up a bit. It still looks funny, but in a few years, I hope it will look a bit better. One thing is for sure. The next time he thins peaches off the tree after they have pollinated, I will not go out and tell him that he is not to take too many off! I will let him thin them, to his hearts desire.

Crafts, Canoe and The King and I
This is a great busy weekend for me. My favorite cousin, Janet is coming up to go to a Craft Fair with me on Saturday. This is held here every year. Saturday the weather is forecast to be the BEST weather of the year! Yea!!! So we will walk around, get a tan and have a good time. We are also going to Canoe for dinner. Hubby wants to get a bunch of stuff that we can all share so we can all taste a bunch of stuff. I love doing that, although I realize a lot of people are very territorial about their food. Love me, but don’t touch my food!
Then on Sunday I am going to see a local play house production of “The King And I”. I’m really excited about that because when I was really little, like 6 years old, I was in The King and I in our local community production and I played the Kings youngest child. I’m going with my neighbor, and we’re going to grab a light dinner and then go to the play.

So there it is, my Friday Thoughts and Ramblings. Have a good weekend all!!!

One thought on “Friday Thoughts and Ramblings”

  1. Designing video games sounds like it would be a good job too. I mean I know it’s technically work but for most of them, it’s probably a certain degree of fun, too.

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