
The day dawned bright, but quickly I found the clouds moving in. The weather held off long enough to have a nice barbecue out on the patio, and actually we were able to spend quite a bit of time there before coming in to escape the darkening skies and brief showers.

Aug 9 006

Steve, Vicky and Shirley.

Aug 9 005

Jim, Steve and Vicky.

These are our friends from Florida with their son and daughter in-law. So nice to have them with us for the night.

As we sat talking I looked down and saw Greta. My Lord, she is getting so big!

Aug 9 001

Three weeks left until she has her babies! I can hardly wait!

7 thoughts on “Busy-Ness”

  1. She is coming right along, ok. Soon we will have another litter to watch grow up. The last one was so much fun. 🙂 It seems you have sort of lost the excitement about this litter…or I’ve missed a lot of posts. I guess that could be it. I’ve had a cold for a couple of weeks.

  2. Did it rain on you? We were out kayaking from about 11-3 and it got pretty cloudy but never actually rained. Kayaked from our beach under the bridge, through the swamp, over to the next lake, and saw a bald eagle directly overhead too! You sure live in a beautiful area!

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