Kick, Kick, Kick!

My day started at 5:30 AM. Greta was restless and wanted to go out, so all the dogs got up and out we went to commune with nature. Now I have nothing against the beauty of Mother Nature on a warm August morning, but 5:30? Bah!

We came back in and I told the dogs to come back to bed with me, because Mama needed her beauty sleep!

They let me sleep until 6:30 and then they all demanded that I get myself out of bed and start the coffee. No, they didn’t need to go out, no they didn’t want to do very much at all, but letting me sleep in was not on the docket!

I sipped my coffee while Greta demanded that I pay attention to her. She wasn’t feeling too well. I think the babies kicking was bothering her. As she lay across my lap, close to my stomach, I could feel the babies kicking her! It was amazing!

She spent most of the morning feeling sorry for herself, but by noon she had perked up and was back to her normal self. I gave all the dogs compressed rawhide bones and they each took their bone to a corner of the family room and spent several hours chewing them.

I’m starting to think that I should probably set up the puppy room again. I want Greta to understand that this is her special place.

Later in the day the pups started kicking again. Now Greta is simply lying on her side, resigned to the fact that she can’t escape the little monsters!

Kick, kick, kick!!!

3 thoughts on “Kick, Kick, Kick!”

  1. I wish you could get the belly moving on video. Not sure how much would show up! How was your visit last night? Love YOU, Mel

  2. You are a very patient mom! I understand Grete needing to use the facilities but I don’t know if I would let the others rustle me out of bed again!!!

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