Look Ma, No Cavities!

I went to visit my dentist today for a cleaning and check-up. I am from the generation of children  from the pre-fluoride era, so I have a real mouthful of intricate dental work. I mean, it’s so intricate that CSI or NCIS would not have trouble identifying me through my dental records!

I digress.

I went to my dentist today for my 6 month exam and cleaning and much to my shock and pleasure, my teeth and gums were in great shape! Apparently the Tooth Fairy has taken pity on me and decided not to challenge me with an abundance of dental work.

I grew up dreading a visit to the dentist. The man who cared (and I use that term loosly) for my teeth as a child, was a true sadist. I think he delighted in torturing small children. I cried every time I went. He did not believe in using novacain and so the pain was great when he drilled.

I even bit the creep when I was about 6 or 7 years old!

When I was a teenager I refused to go and at one point had tooth pain that was so bad I couldn’t eat. I said nothing until one morning I woke up and half my face was swollen like a chipmonk! I told my parents I wouldn’t go to that creep and so they called another dentist, the father of a friend of mine, and he reluctantly had to pull the tooth. But he was gentle and kind and I was grateful.

After that I was determined to find nice dentists. I always told them of my fear (and the fact that I bite) and I have been lucky to have found nice dentists, who are gentle.

But the old fears are there and I really have trouble each and every time I have to go, but go I do. Every six months. Like a good and fearless little dental patient!

One thing I want to mention to you, gentle reader is, if you have children, please make sure their dentists are good and kind people. A bad dentist can affect a person for the rest of their life!

8 thoughts on “Look Ma, No Cavities!”

  1. I screamed my head off at the dentists when I was little. And the guy was a creep too, he told my to shut up or else…
    I totally agree with your advice for young moms, look around for a nice dentist!

  2. Ah Yes! He was bad, very bad! I feel the same way you do. I love the Dentist I go to now. He’s so NICE!! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Who was that bad guy???? We went to Dr. Gallant who was very very gentle and sweet. My sister kept coming home to him, until he died. His assistant (also his wife) would sit with her and hold her hand (and hand her kleenex). I don’t particularly like to go, but no fear. I have a dentist now who does everything is his power to cause no pain. I love him!

  4. Nice to hear you do a visit every 6 months!!! Me I must go one time in the year they they and more if I had problems.
    I agree with you. Better to have a gentle dentist!

  5. We say here, in local language:
    Null hull. Hurra.

    You know what it means?

    Great for your Teeth and health and also economy;))

  6. I lived the same nightmare with my first dentist and the fear is still there although now it doesn’t hurt anymore. A traumatized childhood, see !

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