Being Tired

Two weeks ago I went and had a blood test done. I have not been feeling well, or sleeping well, and most of the time, I feel totally lethargic.

I have not had the time to sit around and just wait for the “Magic Health Fairy” to give me back my energy, so I called my doctor, and got the slips I needed for blood work.

After leaving more than my share of blood, I got the results of my blood tests back. Low thyroid condition! What this means is that I will have to take thyroid medication to replace what my body is not making. It also means that I am one happy chick.

You see, one of the side effects is weight gain, when your thyroid decides to shut down. I have worked so hard on my Weight Watchers plan, with very little results. Hopefully, increasing the thyroid medication will help me to stabilize the  weight issue.

Yay for me!

I am also set to see two other doctors to help us sort out this situation. Finally a reason why I have felt so tired and run down! I am hopeful that in the next few weeks I can start feeling better. At least I know what is making me feel so tired now.

10 thoughts on “Being Tired”

  1. Glad you took the initiative to seek medical help to find out about your lack of energy. I just got my blood work back too, happy to report I passed with flying colors 🙂
    Take care.

  2. I agree, it´s good to know WHAT is causing a problem in our bodies. It´s also good, when there are medication to alleviate the symptoms. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Hope you get your energy back soon. I feel the same way, so maybe it is time for me to check it out~~~~~~

  4. I’m so glad they found out what it was! I’ve had hypothyroidism(Hashimoto’s, the autoimmune kind)for over 40 years. Are they putting you on Synthroid? Unfortunately, one of the side effects of the meds can *also* be weight gain (not to mention hair loss) and many people still struggle. 🙁 Hopefully it will be different for you. 🙂

  5. Poor you having something at the thyroid is terrible ! it not only influences the weight but also your mood ! I hope you get the right medication. My neighbour lossed weight it was terrible, now they find the right medication to compensate and she is “normal” again. She also was feeling very depressed and as you say lethartic. It’s already great to have found out what your troubles are !

  6. I have been on thyroid meds for 10 yrs. As we ladies age, the need for thyroid meds sometimes become necessary, or so my doc said. You will feel better soon. I am 54 and when my thyroid went slow on me, I lost a lot of hair, was tired, etc. I have grown my hair back, etc. So soon as you get the right dosage, you will feel better soon!!!

    God Bless~
    Debbie Jean

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