The Snow Came, Softly

On Friday, it snowed here in Central New Hampshire. Now we didn’t get blanketed with the white stuff, but all day long we had a cold, white snowfall that just chilled me to the bone. But the worst part of the snow is that it threatens my lovely fruit trees. You see, the trees are just starting to blossom.

Here is a peach blossom. Isn’t it lovely? I took this on Thursday afternoon.

April 16 10 016

And here is a Cherry blossom. You know I adore our Cherries! I love to wash them and sit and just eat them one after another!

April 16 10 015

And in my little video you will see this same cluster of Cherry blossoms. It is my favorite, and today during the snow I wanted to cry!

April 16 10 013

In any case, when it started snowing this morning, Hubby yelled to me to come quickly and video it for the blog! It didn’t matter that I was just out of the shower and trying to blow my hair dry. Heck, the snow was just going to make my hair wet anyway, right?

So I quickly jumped in  my boots and headed out the door, camera in hand!

Snow in New Hampshire April 2010 from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

I realize that snow in April is not all that unusual here in my part of the world. Goodness, I recall when Mandy was a baby that we had snow on the 10th of May 1977. We had about 15 inches of heavy wet snow that took down trees and power lines. We did not get power back for over a week. So today, although annoying, was nothing compared to that!

At this point, keep your fingers crossed that my fruit trees will be okay.

I also heard from Mike and Patsy, who own Anneliese’s other son, Baron! They sent me a bunch of new pictures, showing me what he is like. He is completely different from Bogart. Bogey tends to look like his Uncle Arnie and Baron looks like his Mom, Anneliese and Dad, Isegrim.


He looks like a real sweetheart and I hope at some point to see him once again! Maybe I should have a puppy reunion!


Thanks for sending these, Mike and Patsy!

4 thoughts on “The Snow Came, Softly”

  1. thanks for sharing the snow video… I live in FL but was born in raised in New England.. I miss the snow..POUT

  2. Love the puppy pictures! He’s adorable! I hope the snow didn’t do anything to the cherries!! or other fruit trees. Have a good weekend! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Oh geez ! how awful ! I think I would have stayed in bed the whole day and moan ! We once had snow on April 2nd, now spring comes out, but much later than the other years. Thousands of people are still blocked here the airport is closed for another day (saturday) til 8 pm probably. That’s the first time that all European airports are closed, what a mess ! Even Switzerland which is so far away from Iceland ! And when I look out of the window the sky is blue and it’s a wonderful weather !

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