Friday Fil-Ins

Friday Fill Ins

And…here we go!

1. When it’s quiet _I like to listen to the Loons on the Lake_

2. _Puppies will hopefully arrive_ in what seems like only a month.

3. My heart is _full of love_.

4. _I think it is the height of summer in_ July.

5. In the town where I was born _There are beautiful beaches and plenty of parks to enjoy_.

6. _His ability to cultivate his trees and grow totally awesome fruit_ is something I really love about my significant other / friend.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _hopefully celebrating Anneliese’s pregnancy_.
Tomorrow my plans include _cleaning my house and making potato salad_
And Sunday, I want to _enjoy the 4th of July with my family and friends_!

Questions provided by my cousin Janet over at Friday Fil-Ins. Join us!

4 thoughts on “Friday Fil-Ins”

  1. I joined Friday’s fav 5, at least it helps me to remember what I have done during the week !

    I booked 3 tickets for Elton John concert today !!!
    He comes to Brussels on the 1st of December and the cheapest tickets were already sold out 2 h after the sales opening !
    I’ll go with Ilona and Domi he is younger then I am and I know him since the beginning ! I have seen him once in Brussels in 1986 !

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