
Here we are. I’m sitting next to my sister, who is reading people magazine, the soccer is on (don’t you hate the drone of those horns?), and the dogs are happily lazing all around the room enjoying the company.

I’ve worked very hard today cleaning. Why? Well, my brother in-law is allergic to the dogs, and I try very hard to clean before he arrives to lessen his allergic attack. I hope it will work.

I am finally sitting down, at 9:15 in the evening, and I can say that I’m tied, but mostly my feet are tired. I wonder what is up with that?

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. Independence Day for my country. We’re having a barbecue with ribs, and tonight Mel and I prepared them with rib-rub, and wrapped them up to marinate.

My cousin Janet is coming up along with Dave, Michelle and Julie and our neighbor, Tina is coming down too. It’s supposed to be in the 90’s, and I am hoping for a light breeze, but we shall see!

Not too much else to report. I hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th of July!

One thought on “Musing’s”

  1. Sounds yummy.
    It’s hot over here, yesterday we had 35 degree. I was on a show in the morning, but that was already too hot for me and Escania.
    Probably we go swimming this afternoon.

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