2nd Cup Of Coffee (She’s Baaaack!)

1. When was the last time you laughed until you cried?

This morning as I wait for Anneliese to go into labor.

2. If you found $10 today, what would you do with it?

Tuck it away for later use.

3. Do you volunteer anywhere?

Yes. I’m a Library Trustee and that is all volunteer.

4. What is your favorite summertime veggie or fruit, and how do you eat it?

Corn of the cob and Ichiban Eggplant.

5. Is your social sphere (circle of friends) small, medium or large?

It depends. Locally, small, But world-wide, very large!

6. When was the last time you attended a family or school reunion? How did that go?

June 27th I think it was.

7. When you’re feeling blue, what is the best way someone can cheer you up?

Cooking a meal or taking me out for dinner.

8. Have you taken a vacation this summer?

Yes, back in June.

9. What is the most unnecessary item you carry with you all the time?

Pictures of my loved ones.

10. What is the best summer flick you have seen so far?

Haven’t been to the movies, but love old movies. I watched “The Road To Morocco” the other night with Bob Hope and laughed and laughed!

11. Describe a perfect summer day.

Warm, dry air, and a barbecue with potato salad and fresh fruit, with the ones that I love!

12. Please a share a favorite photo from the summer so far!

I couldn’t pick just one so I made a mosaic!

My creation

5 thoughts on “2nd Cup Of Coffee (She’s Baaaack!)”

  1. I dont know what time it is in the usa! But I hoped for some news from you & Anneliese 🙁 Here its now evening and I had thought about you all day…


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