Good News

I drove to the doctor’s today for my appointment. This was a recheck on a breast lump I found late last winter. The biopsy was clear then, but the doctor wanted to wait six months to see if anything developed.
Meanwhile, I stopped taking HRT and of course have spent a lot of time praying about this and keeping my fingers crossed.
Over the months, I’d felt that my lump was not as big. I also noticed that once I was a few months without the HRT that my breasts were less “lumpy”. (I hope this isn’t too graphic for people, but I feel it is important)
Today’s exam was a good one and I came through with flying colors. Yes, the lump is in fact smaller, nearly undetectable. And the nodes under my arm are not swollen at all.
The doctor believes that this was caused mostly by the HRT and that I shouldn’t use it at all in the future.
Don’t worry, I won’t!
So during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I can say that I am doing GREAT!
And I am so very thankful!!!

7 thoughts on “Good News”

  1. That is wonderful news! If you have problems with hot flashes .. try lots of Black Cohosh. I stopped HRT after about a month post-op and started taking the natural stuff. It has HELPED A LOT!!

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