Diet News

Okay after a week back on South Beach and being very strict, which for me means that I don’t eat the bad carbs like potatoes, bread, etc., but I do eat all vegetables like reasonable amounts of corn and butternut squash, etc., because those are good natural carbs, I have lost 4 pounds. I am eating all my meals and snacks and if I feel shaky at all I just go grab a piece of low fat cheese.
Yesterday I went to a Food Co-Op and they had this awesome Deli section with great low carb salads. Mango health salad, broccoli slaw and the worlds best seafood salad. This place also has their own Sushi Chef right there! I knew before hand I would be buying a lot so I had a cooler in my trunk.
Tonight is Mexican night here at my house. Surprisingly Tacos are not that high in carbs.

One thought on “Diet News”

  1. I started the SB today! I’m starvin! but I think of the outcome and that’s why I’m sticking with it

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