Friday found me driving south to meet up with my daughter and have lunch. The weather was just miserable! It was cold and rainy when I left home and I tossed a cooler in the car because I had planned to stop at a German Deli and pick up some goodies.

It took me a bit longer to get to the Deli, but I was able to buy some wonderful German bread, Leberkäse, Tilsiter cheese, some Weiss Wurst, Leberwurst and Christmas Stollen! It is always fun for me to shop when I can get authentic German foods!

After that I met up with Mandy at a great Fish restaurant, called “The Fish Market”. Yes, I know, very originally named!

We both ordered coffee, and a small cup of clam chowder and then a lovely Lobster Salad. My regular readers already know that I LOVE Lobster! This Lobster salad has to be one of the best I have ever had!

Nov. 04 001

Now doesn’t that look fantastic? Everything was so fresh and wonderful. We will definitely go back again!

Mandy and I hung out and talked until she had to leave for an eye examination. What a joy it was to spend part of my day with her!

The drive home was a bit tedious. The traffic was heavy and my mood was not the best. I really don’t like traffic as it tends to make me nervous, but eventually I got home to Hubby and the beasts!

I’d gotten some wonderful wursts and so I made Hubby Bratkartoffeln (fried potatoes) wurst and rutabaga for his dinner. He was quite a happy man!

Friday night found me curled up with Arnie and Anneliese, and my laptop catching up on my mail. All in all, it was a good day. Of course any day I get to spend with my daughter, is a good one, indeed!


PS: After dark, Arnie begged to go out.  I always leash them and grab my handy, dandy heavy flashlight, ever since finding out that Mr. Bear enjoys going through our yard!

So, we go out and I flashed the light around and what do I see? Mr. Coyote. This is what he looked like.


The was borrowed from Wiki for demonstration purposes only.

One super big coyote! I was scared to death, as a coyote will kill a dachshund and could do me some damage too!  I grabbed Arnie and ran into the house. After a bit, Greta went ballistic, because she knew something was up! So, I leashed her, grabbed my flashlight, and went out. No problems. Then I took Arnie, and lastly, I took Anneliese. I looked around the back yard with the light and what did I see?

Mr. Coyote, sitting on the stone wall. As soon as my light hit is eyes, he slipped over the stone wall and was gone!

All I can say is: I lived to tell the story!

9 thoughts on “TGIF”

  1. That lobster salad looks really good! I´m glad you got to spend some time with your daughter. Person to person is always better, than phone calls. My daughter is here too, for the weekend.

  2. A wonderful day aside from icky cold rain and out of place wildlife. You know me, I’m not big on seafood but the salad did look absolutely yummy. (If you see Mr. Coyote again, please politely inform him that he is trespassing on your property. lol 🙂

  3. That Salad looks wonderful!! You better be careful about the dogs with all the wildlife around your place!!! Love YOU, Mel

  4. What’s with the wild animals coming around anyway? We have had a mountain lion spotted several times in our area in southern Ind. Visits with our babies are always such a joy. Neal was here from Antarctica and Kathy from Va. last week. Visits are never long enough!

  5. I just had supper but when I see this plate I could start again,lol ! I see you have the same kind of weather as we have, but fortunately besides neigbor cats I never had such strange critters in our garden !
    Funny, I bought Stollen yesterday ! Mr. G. loves it !

  6. I think I’m headin’ north for that lobster salad right about now! YUM! It does look divine!

    I’m not sure I could handle a BEAR in my yard, much less a coyote! Dennis’ uncle has bears (or bars as they call them western PA) run through his yard all the time. And stop to eat bird seed… and such.

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