And The Garden Grows

At this time of the year I really enjoy my seedlings. They’re almost as fun to watch as the puppies are when they are newly born. You see, right now I have planted my seeds for cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, and butternut squash in our green house, and for a few days I watched, and now they have begun to poke through.

For instance, this morning a few had barely poked through the dirt in the pots.

April 30 11 suc morn008

And then I let the warmth of the sun do their work and I go back at the end of the day to check and see what miracles have occurred.

April 30 11zuc

Now, I have had a garden for many years, but I still get so excited each time I go through this phase. In the morning they are barely peeking and by nightfall, they have popped through!

April 30 11 014

These are my slicing cucumbers. They really went crazy on Saturday. I love it! They won’t have seeds  inside and will be good for eating. They’re also known as European Cucumbers.

This week I hope to go to the local shops that carry tomatoes, eggplant and pepper plants and buy some of those as well. I tell myself each year that I will start those in February, but I never do and it’s just easier to get them at the store.

I truly love spring, and all the new beginnings! What’s happening in your part of the world? Spring or Fall?

4 thoughts on “And The Garden Grows”

  1. That’s nice you have your own “Bio/organic” garden, that saves a lot of money, lol ! It’s true our cucumbers don’t have any seeds, but I remember when I was a child in Germany they had, never noticed that til today.

  2. We don´t have cucumbers here without seeds. They sound perfect for pickling too. Can´t wait to see your trees blooming, I always enjoy those cherry and apple blossoms.

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