
Friday was an amazingly beautiful spring day (if we had not had the strong winds it would have been perfect!). I watered my little baby plants in the green house, and talked to them for a while. I have never done this before, but I read a book recently, that suggested that this encourages growth. Who knows? It’s worth a try. Maybe they’ll tell me something!

I then set about getting caught up with errands. I needed to register our cars, get the mail, and pay a few bills. Nothing too big, right?

Things started off well. I got to the Post Office, and had to parallel park. Now I’m the type of person who will drive around the block over and over rather than parallel park, but I felt lucky today! I took a deep breath…PERFECT! I couldn’t believe it!

I mailed my Mother’s package, got our mail, came out and went into the Town Hall to register the cars for another year. There was only one problem…I only had one check with me! I needed two! One for the Town and one for the State! Darn!

So I drove back home, grabbed a new check book and paid to register the cars. I am here to say that if anyone asks if we should be taxed for the number of miles that we drive by Uncle Sam, please say NO! We’re already paying taxes to the State and the Town that are high enough.

Uncle Sam, stop spending so much money and instead of your big thinkers, thinking of ways to SPEND our money, maybe they could actually think how to “STOP SPENDING” and CUT our taxes!

Okay, enough preaching about that, but it must be said. The Washington Types have to understand that they represent us, and we don’t want them to keep spending the way that they have.

I’m trying a new recipe for Buffalo Wings. The Lady in the Meat Market told me how to do them from scratch, that would not be bad for my diet. So, I’m going to give it a go.

Have a wonderful Saturday Everyone!!!

4 thoughts on “Spring”

  1. We had that wind too, kept it from being as warm as it could be. Had fun with the gang at Abby’s Baseball game! Love YOU, Mel

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