Happy Mother’s Day

Growing up, while many of my friends were planning futures where they would become, doctors, lawyers, nurses, models, pop stars or whatever, I planned my life for one thing. I wanted, more than anything to have children.  I loved children, and although for a while I was told that I might never have them (endometriosis) I proved the doctors wrong and gave birth to my first daughter 1 year and 1 day after I married her father.

Twenty-three months later, her sister, Katie was born, and I was officially the Mommy of two beautiful girls! I was happier than ever, and I love my girls like nothing I can ever describe. It’s truly awe inspiring. I look at Mandy and all I can see is the beauty in her face, her heart, her mind and her soul!

I miss my Katie. I guess I will never really recover from her loss, so early in her life, but, I look back at the times when we were all together and life was good, and I smile.

Here is a very short video montage of me and my girls.

My Mother’s Day from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

7 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day”

  1. How could you ever forget, that’s impossible. I am always disappointed at Mother’s day. Boy’s are different. He never forgets, but even if he lives far away he could sent me some flowers. I probably will get a phone call as usual !

  2. Lovely!!(through the tears I might add!) Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy your special time with Mandy! Love YOU whole bunches! Mel

  3. I always enjoy the photos of you, great Mom that you are, and your lovely girls. Like Mel, tears in my eyes every time. Much love and Happy Mothers Day to you.

  4. I can´t imagine the heart ache you must feel when looking at these picture of your Katie. Even my heart aches. I send you my biggest (((HUG))) and hope you can enjoy the daughter that you still do have.

  5. Happy Mothers Day dear friend. I have been ill for a few weeks and havent been on the computer, but had to come by and wish you a good day.

  6. Maribeth, the photos of you and the girls is how I always think of you. There is such sparkle and joy in your eyes when you are with them. You will always be the mom to two, one here with you and the other in heaven, waiting for you.

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