Peppermint Bark

peppermint bark

No one tells you when you taste your first bite of Peppermint Bark that it is addicting. It really is, you know, and it’s a terrible thing. Today I watched as several women ran into the store I was in and immediately went to the Peppermint Bark and started loading up their carts. I could see their shaking hands and trembling lips.

You can only buy this at Christmas time.

The bottom is a thick layer of dark chocolate. The next layer is white chocolate, and then there is peppermint stick candy sprinkled all over the top. Oh yeah, this stuff is more addicting than anyone even knows!

I bought myself a small box, years ago, and as I got to the car and tore open the plastic wrapper! I sat there and broke off a small piece of the Peppermint Bark and shoved it into my mouth, the chocolate smeared on my lips and fingers! Heaven!

The joy! Oh the wild happiness I felt. A rush of sheer delight shot through my body. It’s that feeling that makes you want more!!!

I think the candy companies all know that this could really become a problem, which is why they only make it at Christmas.

If they made it year round, well, they would have to open clinics for Peppermint Bark Rehab!

As it is, New Years is really tough candy wise.

Of course I have not had even a piece of Peppermint Bark since I joined Weight Watchers. They tell you that if you find one food that you are simply helpless against, then do not go near it.

Needless to say, when I am in a store, and I spot the Peppermint Bark, I walk quickly the other way!

6 thoughts on “Peppermint Bark”

  1. LOL! You really know how to describe something. You make it sound really really good. I´ve never had it before and don´t really like peppermint in my sweets, but after reading this I´d love to taste. 🙂
    Unfortunately we don´t have it here. Or maybe I´d have to say luckily.

  2. While I like it, I would much rather have a piece of dark Chocolate, just plain. That is just the best for me.
    I have been playing Spider Solitaire on my phone and Ron thinks I am addicted to that. He thinks I need a support group, LOL! Love YOU, Mel

  3. You know, I’d never had it until this year. I am normally not a huge fan of peppermint flavoring but oh my word, addicting is right!

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