Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Do you put Christmas decorations in every room of your house? If not every room, what rooms do you decorate?

No. I decorate our kitchen/family room. That’s where we live.

2. If you could visit one of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) which one would you choose and why?

Norway. Because I have friends there I would like to meet.

3. What does the word faith mean to you?

Believing in something you can’t necessarily see, but knowing is out there. Whether it be God’s love, my family’s love  or the things I believe.

4. You can go back to your childhood for one day…what day and age would you choose?

Childhood? I think, perhaps the day I changed schools in fourth grade. I was so traumatized and that started a vicious cycle of self doubt, and so much fear. I wish my mother had been gentle with me that day and helped me.


5. When did you last have ‘punch’? If it’s not too much trouble share your favorite punch recipe.

A couple of years ago when we had friends with kids over. My recipe is simple. Orange Sherbet and Ginger Ale.

6. Do you fill stockings at your house? Are stockings opened before or after the bigger gifts?

Sadly, no. We no longer do that. But once the baby comes, I know Santa will be stopping at my daughter’s home!

7. What takes your breath away?

Today my Kindle Fire arrived! After opening the packing, and the inner box, I held the kindle in my shaking hands! Today, that is what took my breath away! lol

In real life, the days my daughters were born and I first beheld their perfect faces! I was just telling Hubby about that today. As I looked at Mandy for the first time, my heart skipped a beat and took my breath away! Such beauty!!!


8. Insert your own random thought here.

Do you know how in October or even November, Christmas seems such a long way off, and then the next thing you know, CHRISTMAS IS HERE! Mandy and I are meeting up this weekend for a little mother-daughter time and some shopping. I sure am looking forward to that!

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I love that precious newborn-ness!!!! Definitely breath-taking!
    Sorry about your school experience 🙁 My husband (and I used to) work at a school and I have always observed what a difference PARENTS make as to their child’s behavior & happiness at school. No matter what they may think, they are the #1 influence in their child’s life!!

  2. I also only decorated the entrance and the living room. It welcomes the guests and we are mostly there.
    I think Christmas will be different this year with a little Toby trying to walk around !

  3. If that day you changed schools had been different it could have changed your whole life direction. We don’t do stocking but will definitely do them when we have Grandchildren. We also did St.Nick on the 6th, that was the bigger stocking day. Hooray on the Kindle Fire.

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