Pond Hockey

Each year our quiet winter is disturbed by two wonderful events. The Annual Pond Hockey Tournament, and the Annual Ice Fishing Derby.

I live in an area surrounded by lakes, and during the summer, our population swells to nearly triple the size of it’s year round population. In fact after a long summer I am often glad when the tourists go home, and my little town reverts back to it’s charming small self!

However, even charming gets boring after a while. So, when the Pond Hockey and the Ice Fishing Derby come along with the tourists, I welcome them with open arms! (As do our restaurants and hotels!)

The Pond Hockey is happening near my house, so today I walked down, with my ice treads on my boots, and my camera in hand to report on the events!

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As I walked down the hill, I caught my first sight of the hockey rinks. 18 separate rinks set up for the teams in New England to play on.

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I found this sign to be slightly amusing, don’t you? I learned that this lake has 12 inches of ice on it! I watched cars and pick up trucks drive around and there was not one crack!

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As you can see, there were a lot of people there! The players, their families and lots of children! I walked the length of the festivities, and then stopped to talk to my friend Kevin from Kevin’s Cafe and see how things were going. He was selling coffee, hot chocolate, sodas and crab cakes, which are his signature recipe!

The next picture was taken from the sky. All those little ants are actually players practicing on Friday. Amazing, isn’t it?

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Sunday is the last day of this event. I’ll report in on Monday which team won the tournament.

2 thoughts on “Pond Hockey”

  1. This looks like such a fun day! We walked in Central Park yesterday-sunny, mid 40’s and dry as a bone. I wouldn’t mind a little bit of snow. Not a lot! Just a little : )

  2. Although I don’t know Hockey rules or have seen Hockey playing this must be a funny event for the spectators too !
    You really live in a tourist paradise !

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