Skiing, Sleeping, & Snuggling

I was thinking, as I rode up on the chair lift this morning, what I could possibly write about on Dackel Princess. I’m feeling post Super Bowl let down, the dogs are not doing anything particularly cute, and about the only thing that is happening, is that I actually offered and planned to go skiing with Hubby on Monday!

Usually, he has to bribe me. Today, when the alarm went off at 7 AM (*groan*) I got out of bed, threw on my warm clothes and then made our breakfast before leaving for the slopes at 8 AM.

The parking lot was nearly empty, and the lodge was too. Perfect! Today, it was all us old-timers, and I have to say, it was wonderful!

You know what was really great? There was a class of 65+ year olds taking a beginners skiing lesson! I was really impressed. See? Life isn’t over when you reach retirement age!

After we skied, (another two hour morning), we came back, picked up the mail, and then came home to four happy doggies! I let them run and then we came in and I made Hubby a little lunch.

As soon as we got done eating, I grabbed my blanket, a nice pillow, and lay down on the sofa for a nice long nap! Arnie was the first to arrive and settled down by my knees. Then Greta snuggled up by my chest, and just as I started to drift off to sleep, Anneliese came over and fell asleep on my side, with her head on my shoulder.

We slept all cozy, for an hour and a half before I woke with a small muscle twitching in my leg. Each pup gave me a welcome back kiss, as I got up from my dreamland!

It was such a nice day. Skiing, sleeping and snuggles! How good does it get?

6 thoughts on “Skiing, Sleeping, & Snuggling”

  1. Of course you can start with everything at 65 ! I never did any sport and now I am doing acqua gym and Yoga, I walk all things I didn’t do. Honnestly I enjoy life much more now, than when I was in my 50th !!

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