Savannah Rose

On Monday I drove down to babysit Savannah Rose. Mandy had asked me, as she had a doctor’s appointment. Well, you didn’t need to ask this grandma twice!

I got up really early because Greta was barking at the door to go out. I kept trying to get her to come back to bed, but eventually gave up. Her neck was bothering her and eventually I gave her some medication for that. She has two small discs back there, that bother her from time to time.

After that, I showered, dressed, made Hubby breakfast and was on the road by 8:20 AM!

It is amazing how much babies change at this time. When I walked in the door, Mandy was just doing a diaper change and getting her dressed for the day. After that I scooped her up to give her a bottle.

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She smiled and watched me and I told her all about the fact that I was her silly grandma, and I will be here to make her laugh all of her life.

Mandy left to go to her appointment and Savannah found a comfortable spot on my shoulder and fell asleep.

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She loves to watch everything, looking around at everything, and trying very hard to figure it all out. The brighter the color or the mobile moving above her makes her truly excited!

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Mandy is such a great Mom and she adores her baby girl! It warms my heart to see her with her baby!

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It was wonderful. I held her, I fed her, I changed her diaper, and eventually when her Mommy came home, we three girls went out for some lunch. I kept thinking that this was the first lunch that we three girls will share along the way.

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Soon it was time for me to head home. It always seems that these visits go way too fast. I hope, once again, to make the trip down and spend time with my daughter, and her daughter! Wow! This is just the best!!!

6 thoughts on “Savannah Rose”

  1. How far away does Mandy live from you? Savannah is a cute baby!! Enjoy her. Our # 16 grandbaby is due in early Sept.

    God Bless~

  2. Aww, so sweet. You’re lucky to be close enough to visit often. I know I appreciated my parents and inlaws help with my babies. She’s a cutie!

  3. She is a big baby now ! and her hair seems to be more brighter ! Compaired to Toby at this age, she has a lot, he was completely bald !

  4. It’s been a little while since I visited your blog, and so I missed the wonderful birth announcement. I am soooo happy for you! Savannah Rose. Beautiful baby girl with a beautiful name. I can feel your joy thru the screen and I can hardly wait for my turn at being grandma. 🙂

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