Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. The Summer Olympics officially begin this Friday night…will you be watching? If you could see just one event in person which one would you pick?

I would go to the “All Around Women’s Gymnastics”. I think in the Summer Games, the Gymnastics are my favorite.

2.Do lazy days make you feel rested or unproductive?

Unproductive. Lately I feel like I should be doing more.

3. July 25th is ‘officially’ Threading the Needle Day…can you sew? On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being Betsy Ross-like, how would you rate your skill with a needle and thread?

I’m a 2. I can do simple repairs, but not much else. I recently bought a new “Smart Machine” and it makes doing things so much easier! I repaired Hubby’s shorts, with a really cute stitch. I was so proud how it came out.

4. ‘Threading the Needle’ can also mean to walk a fine line between two things or issues (think awkward social situation). When was the last time you had to ‘thread the needle’, figuratively speaking?

Recently I resigned from being a Library Trustee. I did this because I was really tired of “walking the fine line”. Goodness, this isn’t even a job I got paid for. And politically I was apposed to much of what was being said and done.

5. Kidney, pinto, black, or navy…your favorite bean?

Purple Beans! They grow deep dark purple, and then as you cook them they turn green.

Aug 1 004

Aug 11 a close up_edited-1

The thing is, they really taste better, almost nuttier than regular green beans.

6. Have you ever hosted a garage sale? Was it more success or bust?

No, but I really should. Mostly, I give things away to the Salvation Army or St. Vincent Du-Paul.

7. What makes you roll your eyes?

When people tell me that they can’t do things, or make it through things, etc. After my daughter passed away people would say, “Oh I don’t know how you are doing this. I would just die if I lost my child”. Well, you don’t. It’s a crappy situation, but you somehow learn to survive.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

This is my 3000-th post on Dackel Princess! When I went to write this morning I noticed and it made me think, when I started this I had exactly three readers, and two of them I was related to. Now I get hits from all over the world! I feel so blessed to have made so many Blog Friends!

9 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Iยดve never had such beans. Looks interesting. Congrats to your 3000th post! That is such an accomplishment and commitment!

  2. Hi!
    Great post! I’ve never seen those kind of beans before. I’ll have to look for them. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  3. I’ve seen the purple beans in our farm market..will have to try. Sometimes I think the volunteer jobs require the most finesse…people forget you’re a volunteer!

    Congrats on #3000-glad it fell on a Hodgepodge day : )

  4. What a fun veggie! I have never seen them but will be on the look out for them at my farmer’s market ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Wednesday!

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