Thursday Thirteen

Aug 1 002

  1. I really dislike rainy days in the Autumn. Especially when the rain comes with fog!
  2. It seems like the Autumn is going very quickly.
  3. There are a ton of leaves now residing on the ground. It’s a carpet of color!
  4. Yesterday Hubby and I did our shopping.
  5. We make lists, so that we only go every ten days, and can get everything done at one time.
  6. With the price of gasoline right now $3.74 a gallon, we simply cannot go for a luxury ride any more.
  7. A few years ago, when gas was well under $2.00 a gallon, we often took rides, just for the heck of it.
  8. I will be voting this year in the hopes that my vote will help for a financial recovery for our country.
  9. It sort of makes me mad that in the last few years the wild spending means that my infant grand-daughter, already owes $50,000.00 in taxes!
  10. I will be happy when the next month is over and the election is behind us.
  11. I’m tired of the TV Commercials, the phone polls, and mailings.
  12. It’s chilly tonight.
  13. Think I’ll make a fire in the hearth!

8 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen”

  1. You know how much we pay for a gallon of gas? $6.61!! For ONE gallon.
    That´s why most people here drive cars on diesel fuel, which is a bit cheaper.
    Hope you keep warm and enjoy your visit with Savannah!

  2. It’s 1,64€ per Liter right now. Diesel is 1,58€ per Liter.
    I am on gas and so I pay 0,84€ per Liter which is just SO NICE!! 🙂

  3. I don’t know what happens this year but here the trees are still green ! Only very few are colored. We also have elections but only for the cities. I see posters everywhere ! I think all countries are in a mess more or less, but you had the misery to inherit the mess of Bush !
    There is a lot of money needed to stuff the hole ! And Roney certainly will not put his private fortune in this hole !

  4. Isn’t it funny what we think is wicked expensive the rest of the world thinks is cheap! Japan sells by the liter, too. Oh well! Stay warm 🙂

  5. We are having ‘cheap’ fuel for the moment with it being as low as $1:34.9 cpl, and you can take off another 4cpl if you have a shopping docket! BUT, when its on the high cycle, its as much as $1:59.9cpl!!

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