Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill Ins

And…here we go!

1. If I could make the rules, chocolate would have no calories!.
2. When I am old and wise, I shall think of all I have known, and give thanks for the blessings in this life.
3. Why not enjoy the day as it is? Life is too short to wait for the perfect day.
4. Soon thankfully, I will be another year older.
5. Wow! I think about where I was a year ago. I knew I would be a Grandma, but now I have Savannah and life is even better than I thought.
6. You said let’s go for a ride, and I grabbed my coat and we were off.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to making a quick dinner when I get back from Mandy’s house, tomorrow my plans include going to a Craft Fair downtown and Sunday, I want to kick back and relax!

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