Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree…..

Dec 11 005.jpg

Oh Christmas tree of Christmas tree…ooooops you all don’t need to hear me singing!

I got our tree up, lights on, including a flashing string, (Hubby loves blinking lights, I’m not a fan) and bubble lights, (also a Hubby favorite) and then decorated with all my ornaments, garlands and tinsel. I spent the entire afternoon doing it while listening to XM radios Holly station, presenting Christmas carols.
Shubi and Greta watched, and poor things, listened to my terrible singing. Usually I have a good voice, but with this lingering throat thing, I sound more like a frog croaking than an true singer.
I put candles in our windows, white bulbs, and today I’ll get the wreath on our door. Things are shaping up. Sometimes I feel like I will just get everything set up and it’ll be time to take it down. I love Christmastime, but it seems to just fly by.
This week, cookie making for my neighbor’s who are shut-ins, and skiing.

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