

  1. Wednesday was preparing day.
  2. There was a lot of organizing.
  3. Dave and Isaiah came and the chopping began.
  4. Onions and celery, and carrots. Chestnuts were roasted and opened and then broken up for the dressing and the brussel sprouts.
  5. I made a great new recipe for pork loin roast.
  6. I wasn’t sure we would like it, but it came out well.
  7. I am posting it below.
  8. I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving.
  9. I hope you are surrounded by your loved ones, be they family or friends.
  10. Be sure to enjoy that which is special.
  11. The things that say Thanksgiving
  12. I’m doing a 1/4 cup of my favorite dinner dishes
  13. I’ll report tomorrow.

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