Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What do you think makes a good dad?

A person who listens to their child, spends time with them, teaches them to love and respect other people, and helps them to see the world with new eyes.

2. What’s something you learned from your own father?

It’s kind of a joke. Punctuality. Or being overly punctual. Growing up we all learned to be ready to leave 10 minutes before we were supposed to because Dad was a nervous wreck about leaving on time and arriving on time. Thus, to this day, I must leave early (there might be traffic!) and I am almost always early!

3. It’s your birthday-what kind of cake will we be having?

Okay I love a double fudge chocolate cake with white frosting. I love that! Chocolate is the best isn’t it? But chocolate cake and frosting is almost too much, unless the frosting is chocolate ganache.

4. When you’re faced with a big decision are you more of a go with your gut type of person, or are you someone who reasons it all out, weighing the pros and cons?

I’m a gut girl. Sometimes there is a lot to consider, but you know your gut instinct often is correct.

5. June is National Dairy Month. What’s your favorite dairy item? Most often purchased dairy item?

It’s a tie between Weight Watchers frozen cookies and cream bars and yogurt, which I eat every day.

6. Explorer Jacques Cousteau was born on June 11, 1910….what’s something you’ve recently discovered or something you’d like to explore?

Hubby and I would love to explore Alaska. There are cruise tours that take you around on a train in Alaska to see the back woods beauty, and then the cruise to see the glaciers!

7. Are you typical of your generation?

No, I think I was born about ten years too early.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I decided to try this format of questions and answers this week. The questions are all in color and my answers are in plain black fonts. This way I’m not highlighting and I don’t have to keep changing the color. What do you think?

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Oh, my gosh, my Dad was a stickler about being on time too.
    I need to try those Weight Watcher treats,those sound yummy.
    I like what you did with the Blue color for the questions and black for your answers.
    Happy Hump Day!

  2. I like the format with the questions highlighted. Great idea! Hope you find yourself right on time for a great Wednesday! 🙂

  3. Chocolate ganache-yes!!!! I like the color font combo today. Thinking of you and praying all goes well with your appointment!

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