Time Goes On

Suddenly it is late Autumn!


I woke up on Saturday to below freezing temperatures and a brisk wind. The skies were gray and it just had that look about it.

I now need my fall jacket on when I go outside, as well as my hat and gloves. I’ve also added a warm blanket to my side of the bed to keep me and the dackels warm.

We’ve had three fires in the hearth, and I’ve worn my heavy bathrobe the last week in the morning.

Yes, we’re on the cusp of the seasons changing from summer to winter.

The clocks fall back next Saturday and then we count the days down to the winter solstice and the darkest days of our year.

I don’t mind this time of year, really. After all my birthday is next month. And I will be 55. I don’t feel that is tremendously old, but I am thrilled that many places give you a senior citizen discount!

I am all for free coffee, or saving 25 cents on my Chinese Buffet meal.

There are benefits of age! lol!

One thought on “Time Goes On”

  1. Yes, there are lots of benefits to getting older.
    I had a good dream about Mom early this morning. There she was and she had on a bright pink top of hers. I was so happy to see her and I just hugged her and said I had so much to tell her, but we had had her service already, but who cares. She was asking for me to bring her a tape of the family from the old days. Abby was with me and she just hugged Mom. Love YOU, Mel

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