My 55th Birthday Celebration

Ah yes. I woke early on my birthday and got myself all washed up, hair done, and make up as well. I was feeling good.

I know the numbers are adding up, but it doesn’t matter when your family is around you. I had called a local restaurant that we all love and made reservations. Hubby and I got there early so I could make sure it was all set up. Hubby teased me, because I am always early, and my cousin is always late! lol

But soon everyone arrived and there we were all together enjoying some champagne and some delicious food! After we ate, I opened up my gifts, with Savannah helping me, of course!

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Opening dachshund book ends. Savannah helped!

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Listening to a card that Savannah made for me. Telling me Happy Birthday and love you!

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Me with my daughter, Mandy.

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I loved all of my gifts!

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Having a nice Cappuccino.

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The newlyweds, Dave & Janet.

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All too soon, the luncheon ended and it was time to go home. Savannah’s Daddy Matt, picked her up and carried her to the car. You can see, she looks a lot like her Daddy!

5 thoughts on “My 55th Birthday Celebration”

  1. Fun time! Savannah does look a lot like her dad. Funny how kids, in different expressions and lights, look like all of the people who love them.

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