Sick Again

Yes, I am sick again. I have now outdone my highest fever ever, (this one was 103.6) and actually did go to bed where I slept all afternoon, all evening and all night. The pain I felt when I turned over was acute, but I told myself I had to do it.

This morning my temperature is down to 101 degrees. I still feel weak, can hardly walk and have chills. My question is, how can I build up my immune system so I stop getting pneumonia?

3 thoughts on “Sick Again”

  1. Aww, feel better Maribeth! Do you take Emergen-C? Its a powder you mix with water, comes in various flavors and isn’t bad tasting. It’s mega vitamin C…maybe you should try it over the winter. It’s supposed to help build your immune system. Take care!

  2. I am so sorry you are in pain again. A former colleague gave me a tip to use a special honey called “MANUKA” honey. It is a special honey from New Zeland (expensive)and that helps with the ingrediences. Please look on Internet for that kind of honey. Perhaps it helps you. I have ordered to try kick off the problems with my nose and perhaps it helps Nadine to kick off the Neurodermitis. Get well soon my dear. Love you Uschi

  3. Not sure, but hope you feel better. My immune system was built over years and years of working with kids and adults with disabilities. When they were sick, we couldn’t send them home since they lived at school .We took them home and took care of them. I had a very bad first year, but after that nothing. Vitamin C and lots of time outside sounds good. xxoo

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