So again, I am off. Poor Hubby is home with the beasts, and I am off to have fun with Savannah. My bag is packed, and come morning, I will be off to Savannah’s dance class and then it’s time for the two of us to have some Oma and Savi time!
We went to see The Bridge of Spies, with Tom Hanks. It was a slow movie, but the subject matter intrigued both Jack and I.
It has to do with the Spy swap for Frances Gary Powers in 1962. The trade takes place at The Glienicker Brücke, in Berlin, Germany.
When we had our daughters living with us in Berlin during the summer of 1989, West Berlin was still a closed city. We traveled all around West Berlin, showing them the wall. We also went into East Berlin and showed them the difference at that time.
Amanda is in the white skirt and Jessica is in the pink top. I think they would agree, this trip really opened their eyes! I learned a lot that summer.
Back to the movie. It was well acted, and the last half an hour, you will be on the edge of your seat!
One must wonder, is there anything that Tom Hanks can’t do?
I love Tom Hanks! I hope we get to see it soon. Have fun! Love YOU, Mel
Tom Hanks is amazing. I finally got around to seeing “Terminal” recently, he was brilliant.
I visited east Berlin in 1980/1981 with my then-husband. It was an eye-opener. What moved me the most, though, were the gravestones behind the Reichstag that memorialised the people who got killed trying to escape the DDR.