Who Knew?

Over the weekend I joined a Facebook Group for people going through exactly what I’m going through, with disc problems in their neck. Who knew that there would be a Facebook group just like that, for me!

Anyway, I have been reading all their comments about the procedure, recovery time, and most of all, the pain afterward, I think I can deal with this.

The surgery is done from the front, and the scar will actually be quite small.

But, as I have said, with all the scars on my forehead and nose, what’s another scar, right?

My biggest desire is to just get rid of the pain I am in now, and they have all said the same thing. It’s gets better as your scar heals up.

One person told me that it was hard to swallow for a while, without pain. This could be a great start toward losing weight at Weight Watchers class! lol!

I really hope they can get me in quickly, so I will be up and ready to celebrate Christmas with Mandy, Matt and Savannah. I know that even if I simply sit there with them, it will be a happy event.

Meanwhile, I am trying to keep moving, so that at least my leg muscles stay in shape.

Have a great Monday and week ahead!

3 thoughts on “Who Knew?”

  1. Hope it all goes well and with less pain and a fast recovery! Sending lots of LOVE and hugs! Love YOU, Mel

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