Christmas Recap

I know it has taken me a while but finally tonight I am doing what they told me to do.  I am lying in bed with head and neck  elevated.

However,  I confess to being on my feet most of the day.

After spending all afternoon on my feet cooking, I suddenly had pain in my neck like I had before surgery.

I admit that sheer terror came to my mind! What if I blew another disc, or caused a failure elsewhere in the cervical spine!

I came into our  family room, sat on my love seat trying to figure out how to open the darn ice-bag, that might help.

Finally a friend came by, opened and filled the ice-bag. I tell you I feel totally challenged. Why couldn’t I figure this out?

And then, I did nothing. Hubby even made his own dinner. I wasn’t hungry, so I did not eat!

My turkeys were back. We are down to just six turkeys. Whether they wandered all over and a few were lost,  or they were taken by a hunter, or  few were males, searching for their own spot in the sun, and their own harem, I will never know,  but oh my, have I enjoyed having these wonderful turkeys more than I can imagine.

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My Turkeys

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Christmas Day was lovely.  My former husband prepared the ham & salmon, we all watched  Savannah open and play with her toys, and my  daughter finished up the rest of the dinner. It was wonderful.

PC250011  Oma and Savi. PC250030 Smile!!!

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  Reading a book called “Pretzel. The world’s longest dachshund! PC250021 (2)

We came home, arriving about 6:30. Tired and really sore. But full of Christmas joy!!!








One thought on “Christmas Recap”

  1. It sounds as though you are doing a bit better. Stay in bed for a few days, if you can.
    Love those turkeys 🙂 and thanks for sharing the pics!

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