Welcome 2016

I am sitting here, the last day of 2015 and I started to let my mind wander back over the last twelve months. Aside from a few little bumps in the road, it has truly been a marvelous year!

I’ve had lovely fun times, all year long with my family and friends, and most of all, I’ve watched Savannah grow and change, and that just fills me with happiness.

When my daughter first found out she was expecting her next baby, I was nearly bursting with excitement, but I promised to keep her secret until she was past her twelfth week.


Those first weeks were tough but wonderful because the secret was so amazingly special. (Note to self: Hubby says I use Amazing and Amazingly far too much! Must remember to limit that word in 2016) And then my cousin figured it all out and I was off the hook!   Savannah is such a gift to us all. I look at her beautiful, sweet, face and I just break out in smiles. Or when Savi sees me and come racing into my arms, I melt!  And, I love listening to her talk and tell me all her thoughts and stories.


Now, we’ll be adding this sweet baby boy to our family, and knowing how totally splendid Savannah is, I imagine that her baby brother will be right up there with her. Mandy and Matt are simply wonderful parents!        


Lili seems to finally be settling down a bit and we discovered something truly weird about her. Most dogs can be bribed with food, cookies, carrots, etc.


Nope, not our Lili! What does our silly White German Shepherd like? Ice Cubes. Go figure! She is also delighted that the Lord above has sent her about 4 inches of snow! Lili loves snow!  

Our dear Greta is closing in on her twelfth  birthday (3/9/2016).

Greta Age 11 3/4  

Hard to believe she is our old girl now! She still acts like a pup and keeps a firm paw on the other three dogs, so they all know who is boss! Her hair is getting a bit gray, but her spirit is strong.

Arnie, dear Arnie. He started out nine years ago, as the quiet, passive pup.

IMG_0378 (2)

Easy to love, and to spend time with.  And he still is, to a degree. You see, he is now the man of the house (in the dog world) and so he had become a bit more of a show off. You definitely know he is all boy! Still my sweetheart!


And there is little Anneliese. Also nine years old, but gentle and sweet and loving. It’s quite funny, because many people do not always see this.


Anneliese Age 8 3/4  

She is my bedtime cuddle-bunny. She is much smaller, than her Mother, Greta and brother Arnie. But when she walks outside with me, she has to bark in such a tough way, as if to announce that she is there, and not to be trifled with!

Hubby worked hard this year in the orchard, despite the difficult winter last year. We didn’t have too many peaches, but I did have enough to make my Heavenly Peach Jam.

Hubby has currently earned high marks in my book for bringing me McDonald’s Shakes. Especially the Eggnog ones! How wonderful the ice cold shakes feel in my throat.

Ah yes. I will mention my disc surgery, but I think I will surprise you. Most would say it was a downer to have that done, but quite honestly, it was a blessed relief! The pain before the surgery was really awful! Now, although I am recovering from the surgery, I am not in that horrid pain any longer! The timing could have been better, but through it all, I am doing really well.

So, as we bid ado to 2015, may we look forward to health and happiness for family and friends!

Happy 2016

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