Being Queen

I knew it was going to happen sometime. I just didn’t think it was going to happen so soon, but it has.
Hubby returned to the family room last night and took over the remove control!
I don’t mean to come off as some sort of horrid wife, who would wish strict bed rest on their husband, but I do confess to enjoying the last few weeks of being the “Queen of the Remote Control“.
I’ve watched my soaps, I’ve watched The Health Channel’s Labor and Delivery shows, I cried when babies were born and even watched appendectomies while eating dinner at night! The channel even stayed put during a commercial, or when I have gotten up to go to the bathroom. Best of all, I have not had to endure college sports, the Stock Market Channel and continuous news.
But here was Hubby, happy to be out of the Guest Room and comfortably ensconced in his recliner while I fixed dinner last night. I had put on local news and weather to see what was happening in our world, when I heard, click, click, click. Frustrated, I mentioned this to Hubby, who growled something about “watching stupid commercials”, so I just let it go.
Once dinner was done, Hubby went back into the Guest Room, where he can both watch TV and sit with my old laptop computer, and once again, I was “Queen“!
As I’ve said, “It’s nice to be Queen“!

April 24ab.jpg

One thought on “Being Queen”

  1. I am amazed that men all do the same thing with the remote. It drives me crazy! Flip, Flip, Flip!!! Enjoy being the Queen, this too shall pass!

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