Think Positively!

As my mind and soul begin to heal, I am really working on my state of mind. I have been rather depressed since the first cervical spine surgery (December 17, 2015), and even though this surgery is a failure, I’ve decided that life could be a lot worse and I need to rearrange my thought process.

Yes, it is time to hold positive thoughts, and work very hard to turn my self into a more positive person.

I admit to being a bit over dramatic, and of course this leads to depression. That is not at all helpful right now, so it is time to suck it up and think positively!

Since the second surgery was a disaster, I just have to adjust my head, that a third surgery will be forthcoming, and this time it will all go correctly!

It is marvelous to be home, with my doggies, and Hubby has been great cooking and cleaning. He seems to watch and sense when the pain gets bad and encourages me to recline.

Happy, Cheery Thoughts!

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